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Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 16 topic - Biblical and the Fortune Teller Blog Hop

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 16 topic is "Biblical."  In my early twenties, I immersed myself in the study of religion and this is the Bible that I used.

You can always find Bibles in the thrift shops.  

My personal challenge is to combine the two hops of the photo challenge over at Ziva's Inferno and the writing challenge of the Fortune Teller's Blog Hop into one.  Therefore, it is time for's

fortune teller blog hop copy

Imagine one of your characters going to see a fortune teller. What would she say to them? Write a scene about it and post it on Monday September 16th. This is a great chance to vaguely mention plot points in your novel without giving too much away! 

While I am not a novelist, this hop intrigued me.

The Fortune Teller

She took the job because it was the only one available, that of a fortune teller for a traveling circus.  Her meals and lodging would be provided, if she didn't mind sharing a room with the bearded lady.  It was going to be a short stint for the remainder of the year before the rainy season set in.

Dad was always against the gypsies, which is what she was to become.  "Gypsies," he would sneer, "fool others with cards, pierce their ears, and wear too much jewelry!"  For her career choice, even temporary, could cause a grave turning.

When she turned 13, mom did sneak her out to get her ears pierced.  She so wanted to wear those big hoop earrings that would be partially hidden by her long blonde hair.  She had the kohl black makeup for the exaggerated cat eye look.

There was her biblical background, her parents being church-going people and all.  While there was no specific mention of tarot cards in the Bible, it could be under the umbrella of idolatry, necromancy, a form of divination or acting as a medium.

Her booth was set, deep purple curtains draped around the tent, and incense was burning.

In walked a young girl, no more than 12 or 13.  She wasn't wearing Dorothy's Wizard Oz dress, she was an updated version with her little dog, who looked like Toto.  "Hi, I'm Tiffany."

"Have a seat, Tiffany.  I am Madame Fortune Teller.  What are you seeking?"

"I would like a card reading?"

"Ah, certainly, my rate is posted outside on the sign, ok?"  Tiffany nodded her agreement.  "Why don't you shuffle the cards and then choose three and lay them face down on the table," instructed Madame.

Tiffany did and gave the three cards to MFT, they were the Queen of Wands, The Tower and the Page of Cups.

Madame gathered her thoughts and said, "The first card is the past, the Queen of Wands.  There was someone that looked over you and protected you and still gives you strength.

"The middle card is the present and that card is The Tower.  You are not in a good place.  It is a place of turmoil and strife for you.  It also represents change, change can be good.

"The third card is the Page of Cups is an outpouring of love, perhaps, in your case, young love?"

"Why yes!"  Tiffany replied.  "Oh, I've run out of time.  I must go - but thank you!"  Tiffany burst out the tent doorway.

She had surprised even herself.  She would practice the more complicated readings involving five or more cards.  Perhaps there was a future for Madame Fortune Teller.  

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